To the Mighty Creator of The Universe whose existence is the reason of my existence, I would like to send a huge gratitude. Then to His messenger, the Man of Heaven who suffered for humanity in order to bring betterment on Earth. Then to my families. Small family, big family, whoever feels like they’re my family. Then to my friends. Best friends, good friends, just friends, whoever feels like they’re my friends. Then to outstanding, kind, and amazing people from DAR! Mizan who helped me in the process of giving birth to this book (terutama Kak Andika). Then to you (iya, kamu) who is reading this line—probably struggling to translate this. Frankly, I wrote this in English just to show off my only (possibly) lucrative ability.
When I was writing this book, I actually thought a lot about my really-good-best-true friends from SMP, my true-best-good-real friends in SMA (specifically my clan mates in Clash of Clans who happen to be my classmates). Thus, you can deduce who are the biggest inspiration source.
Anyway, thanks for buying this book. Happy reading :)