Aprizadly is a male Indonesian job seeker with a Bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Hasanuddin University. He was born in Parepare on April 4, 1996.
Aprizadly has experience in the following areas:
* GIS (Geographic Information System): He has a strong understanding of GIS, having achieved an A grade in the subject during his studies.
* Organizations: He was a member of GKM Evolve from 2014 to 2016.
* Achievements: He won the 1st place in the City Level Geography Science Olympiad in Parepare and participated in the National Geography Olympiad at the University of Indonesia.
Aprizadly is currently seeking employment and is open to various opportunities.
You can find more information about Aprizadly on his Mulaikarir profile: https://mulaikarir.com/kandidat/BG4DXUo2Gb